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Andreas Berthling -- Claudia Bonarelli -- Folie -- Johan Fotmeijer -- Martin Jarl -- Håkan Lidbo -- Minimalistic Sweden -- Son of Clay -- Sophie Rimheden -- Johan Skugge -- Mikael Stavöstrand -- Andreas Tilliander -- Vita |
Son of Clay ---------- ---------- Son of clay nominated for a Qwartz award ---------- We're very proud of the fact that Son of clay - Two Abstract Paintings just became nominated in the category "Research/Experimental" of the french Qwartz awards. "The Qwartz Awards are designed to introduce the public to new music based on digital composition, promote independent labels and artists, and each year encourage the emergence of new performers and new musical currents." This category is voted by you, so please go ahead and put your vote on Son of clay at their website --> Qwartz awards ---------- Son of clay - Bio ---------- The subject behind Son of Clay is Andreas Bertilsson. Though working and dwelling in Berlin, Bertilsson is a part of the core of the "Southern" Swedish electronica scene, associated with names such as Andreas Tilliander, Hans Appelqvist and the Komplott label. Educated at Malmö Art Academy Bertilsson has a Master of Fine Arts and his artistic works as well as his musical production reveals a profound interest in the morphology of sound. For Andreas Bertilsson, music and art are just two different channels to mediate processes and critical thoughts. Son of Clay's prior releases on Malmö based label Komplott is now accompanied by a new release on Mitek. ---------- Bertilsson is using influences of traditional musique concrete as well as contemporary genres as clicks 'n cuts, minimalism and isolationism and has been compared to electronica giants such as Fennez and Oval. As well as Talk Talk. ---------- During the last year he has performed live at Transmediale 2005 (Berlin), Sonar 2004 (Spain), Rooseum (Sweden) among other well know venues and art-spaces Discography ---------- Two Abstract Painting CD/LP, mitek [S] 04.2005 ---------- The Bird You Never Were CD, Komplott [SE] 2004 ---------- Starfield Simulation Series 04 Mp3/CD-R, Komplott [SE] 2003 ---------- Face Takes Shape CD, Komplott [SE] 2003 Remixes and Compilations - Excerpt ---------- Sophie Rimheden - H2-FI, Hi-Fi Remixes CD, mitek [S] 2004 ---------- V/a - Mitek:Process CD, mitek [S] 2003 Quotes and Reviews ---------- » Two Abstract Paintings kan mycket väl vara den bästa skogspromenad du kommer att gå på i år. « Zac Fors, Metica [SE] ---------- » Bertlisson has put together a work of capricious scope that whilst adamantly not light listening, is a thoroughly rewarding experience and tacit artistic document. « Boomkat [UK] ---------- » Review in Polish « Gaz-Eta [POL] ---------- Resources ---------- Loop [Chile] Interview in Spanish and English Komplott [SE] Interview in English ---------- >> ---------- live dates ---------- For booking requests go here for booking inquiries |