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Mitek 5 year party
Come and celeberate or 5-year party in Stockholm on the 3rd of December, lineup includes - Andreas Tilliander, Håkan Lidbo, LFU, Johan Fotmeijer, Folie, Sophie Rimheden, Johan Skugge, Luus, Mikael Stavöstrand, System, Dj Life & Pauli

Electro No Electro vs. Mitek
Saturday 3rd of December, 21-03
Nalen, Stockholm, Sweden

More info here soon and at Electro No Electro

Lots of nice reviews for Folie - Eyepennies
..Recommended record!.. - Minlove [D]
..ein extrem spannendes Album.. - De-Bug [D]
.."Eyepennies" ist großartig.. - Groove [D]
..a pretty nice twelve cut effort of clean electronic music.. - Almostcool [US]
..a nice selection of deep electronica.. - Smallfish [UK]
..refreshed and satisfied.. - Release [SWE]
..a worthy follow-up.. - Boomkat [UK]
..Der Club klingt wieder schöner mit Folie.. - Kommerz [CH]
..effektiv groovend.. - Intro [DE]
..Herr Thor laviert zwischen Melodie und Beat schöner, sympathischer Prägun.. - Exitmusic [CH]
..I know what I like and I like Folie.. - Itsatrap [SWE]
..the gaseous sonics and twittering beats are excellently executed.. - The Urb [US]

Read More..

New free Mp3 single by Sophie Rimheden
Check out Sophie's new and free singel "Can you save me?" - it's a taster of her new album which will be out on her new label next week. More info and the songs are available at -

Audio clips of Mitek10 online
We put up some audio clips from our next EP.
Mitek10 - Håkan Lidbo - Baby, let me be the pig tonight EP, out in two weeks.

Andreas Tilliander US tour
Andreas Tilliander (aka. Mokira) will be touring North America during all of November. Dates and venues here ..

Son of clay nominated for a Qwartz award
We're very proud of the fact that Son of clay - Two Abstract Paintings just became nominated in the category "Research/Experimental" of the french Qwartz awards.

"The Qwartz Awards are designed to introduce the public to new music based on digital composition, promote independent labels and artists, and each year encourage the emergence of new performers and new musical currents."

This category is voted by you, so please go ahead and put your vote on Son of clay at their website --> Qwartz awards

A couple of new livedates added
Including our Mitek 5 year party on december 3rd, at Mondo in Stockholm.
Full lineup and details soon.

Folie interview in P3 Dance tonight
Listen to (if you understand swedish) Folie being interviewed in Swedens most important dance/electronic radio show tonight, the interview was made by the legendary Calle Dernulf at this years Public Service festival in Copenhagen, so it might include some clips from his liveset too.

Anyway tune in to P3 around 22:10 or check their webcast at
If you missed it or just want to listen again, no worries they keep it archived for a week at P3 Dans

Folie - Eyepennies
Finally the new album from Folie is out, hitting the stores in Europe right now and in the US early october.
check out the brand new folie video by Anders Weberg

And if you live in Berlin, don't miss our release party on Thursday the 22nd

Donnerstag 22.09.2005, 23:00

Record Release Party

Folie - Live!!!

live - Andreas Tilliander (pluxemburg/ resopal/type /mille plateaux - sweden)
dj - Fallko Brocksieper (karloff/substatic/berlin)
dj - Daniel Meteo (bus/scape/berlin)

Mitek MP3 SHOP
We just finished our new mp3 shop in collaboration with Klicktrack. All tracks in our catalogue are available as downloads, including the sold out releases. Check it out at --> Mitek MP3 SHOP

Johan Skugge - Bring Me On Video
check out our new Johan Skugge feat. Laura Delicata video, directed by RBG6 & Karl dos Santos.

Bring Me On -- small version, AVI 8.4MB
Bring Me On -- big version, AVI 24.2MB

Johan Skugge - Bring Me on Video
check out our new Johan Skugge feat. Laura Delicata video, directed by RBG6 & Karl dos Santos.

Bring Me On -- small version, AVI 8.4MB
Bring Me On -- big version, AVI 24.2MB

Son of Clay - Two Abstract Paintings
ok, so our new release is out now since a few weeks. A very beautiful piece by Son of Clay aka. Andreas Bertilsson, the album goes back a bit to the roots of the Mitek label, delivering minimal and abstract soundscapes.

The album consists of a 46 minute piece divided into two parts. The piece is a poetic soundscape, carefully constructed of microscopic pieces, made up almost entirely of the recorded sounds of things like dry leaves, bits of wood, paper and dust, things that can hardly even be called things, mere particles of matter, most of them on the verge of falling apart. Bertilsson turns matter into material, treating each of his recordings with utmost care and minutely crafting them into a vibrant mesh, a still life that is by no means still, an anthology of very small things that is alive with crackling, sparkling, shimmering beauty.

As a visual counterpoint, the booklet holds a collection of twenty black and white photograms, portraits of the very same bits and pieces that the music is made of twenty individual bits of dust, singled out against nothingness, their shadows frozen into paper by means of 0.8 seconds of light.

Available on CD and LP (mitek20).

More information:

Johan Fotmeijer interview
New interview with Johan Fotmeijer at Kilotin, unfortunately only in swedish.

New live dates added
New live dates including London, Berlin, Mexico City, Madrid, Stockholm.

Johan Skugge interview
An interview with Johan Skugge is published online at swedish Groove.

Audio Clips
We finally managed to put up some audio samples back online. The clips are 96kbit mono mp3's, about 2 minutes each (mainly as a "taster" of the tracks):

"Volume" No. 1 at Headspace/KXLU (US)
Los Angeles based radio show Headspace/KXLU charts the new album by Johan Skugge as No. 1 this week.

Johan Skugge featured in the new issue of de:bug
German magazine de:bug has an interview/story with Johan in the new printed issue.
Andreas Tilliander and Folie on Swedish Radio
A recording from last year's Popaganda festival (May 2004) was broadcasted last wednesday on P3 Live. They keep the broadcast archived online for a week, so if you hurry you can go to P3 Live and check it out. Click on "Onsdag".
Mitek titles available through Nufonix
We're happy to announce that we signed a deal with the well known mp3 store Nufonix. Nufonix have a wide range of great labels available online, and now also most of the mitek titles available in the mp3 format for downloads, either as whole albums or as single tracks.

More reviews for Johan Skugge's "Volume" album
Volume will be released worldwide on January 28th, 2005 on CD and DLP. So far we received very good reviews in Sweden where it was released in November 2004.
A new interview with Johan is published in Metica, Swedish only though.

Johan Skugge feat. Laura Delicata - Decadence EP out now
Decadence moves in the borderlands of tech-house and disco, full of curious turns and unexpected, creative elements. Side A contains two funky tracks by Johan Skugge (taken from the upcoming Volume album), featuring the sweet and peculiar voice of Laura Delicata. Side B has a minimal techno mix of "Decadence" by Stewart Walker (Persona, m_nus, Tresor, Force Inc.), followed by Mikael Stavöstrand's "Boring Men" Remix, which takes a funky and minimal shot at "Bring Me On".

"Volume" receives enthusiastic reviews in Sweden
Volume, which was released in Sweden last month, has received lots of praise. Svenska Dagbladet writes "ett av årets finaste svenska släpp", Billy Rimgard in The Cricket continues "'Volume' är dansmusik 2004 när den är som bäst"; Ola Andersson at Dagens Skiva puts it very simple and concrete: "Så jäkla bra".
The Album will be released worldwide on January 28th, 2005 on CD and DLP (mitek19).

Mitek:Process nominated for a Qwartz Award
Mitek is proud to have our Mitek:Process compilation nominated for the french Qwartz Award in the category "best compilation 2003-2004". This award is to be voted by the public, so please go and vote for us.

Mitek16 and Mitek17 available online
We now have the new remix records of Sophie Rimheden's HI-FI -- the H2-FI EP (mitek16) and album (mitek17) -- in our online shop. As a bonus the first 50 orders will receive a nice poster. The records will be available in stores from Friday 8. October.
The first reviews are very enthusiastic, for example de:bug [DE] writes "Das beste Vocalalbum des Monats, da gibt es keine Frage. 5/5".
Sonja Eisman in Intro [DE]: "Insgesamt fügen die Remixe dem Original eine Dimension an Tanzbarkeit und Abstraktion hinzu, die nur gut tut und schön abrundet".
Mats Almegård writes in Swedish Groove [SE]: "Det här är helt enkelt ytterligare ett bevis på Rimhedens storhet och på den innovativa electronicascen som finns i Sverige idag".

Mitek artists on Swedish Radio
Swedish radio show p3 LIVE recorded the Mitek showcase at this year's Popaganda festival in Stockholm. Live shows by Mikael Stavöstrand, Johan Fotmeijer, Folie, Andreas Tilliander and Sophie Rimheden will be broadcasted in the next weeks.
First out is Mikael's show, which actually was broadcasted last week but you can still check it out on their website, p3 LIVE, go to "Onsdag". Next is Johan Fotmeijer which will be broadcasted on Wednesday, 29. September -- again, they'll keep the file on the site for a week. We'll post dates for the other shows as soon as we have the final dates.

Out very soon: H2-FI - Sophie Rimheden remix album and EP
The promised remix CD/EP of Sophie Rimheden's HI-FI album is coming! The EP (mitek16) will be out on September 29th and includes remixes by Sam Miller, The Architect, Johan Fotmeijer, and Mikael Stavöstrand; the CD (mitek17) will follow in October and features some really funky tracks by Hundarna Från Söder, Pavan, Puss, Dwayne Sodahberk, Static, Fenin, Differnet, Sam Miller, Son of Clay, as well as Mitek regulars Folie, Håkan Lidbo, Johan Skugge, and Sophie herself.
Out soon: Johan Skugge album + EP
Johan Skugge's eagerly awaited new album, entitled "Volume", as well as his "Decadence" EP (featuring Laura Delicata) are now in production. Johan released his previous album on Source Records and after his funky EP for us last year we are very happy to put out these new releases. The album (CD and DLP) will be out in November this year in Sweden, in January 2005 everywhere else; the EP will be available worldwide in November and features two tracks from the album plus two remixes by Stewart Walker and Mikael Stavöstrand.
Upcoming in 2005
A full length album (CD/LP) by Son of Clay (Andreas Bertilsson) is planned for February 2005.
Also, we will finally release Håkan Lidbo's long overdue 06.10.60 EP, featuring cool remixes of his 06.10.60 album (mitek05). Temptative release date is March 2005.
Mikael Stavöstrand is working on an EP as well (mitek21), scheduled for March 2005.
In April, we're planning to release Martin Jarl's Inidimman EP as well as a new CD/LP by Folie.

mitek @ Popaganda
Don't miss the mitek showcase at Popaganda on Saturday, May 29th. Popaganda is a free three-day festival in Stockholm, from 28th to 30th of May. mitek are doing a showcase at the "electronic" stage on Saturday from 19:00 to 03:00. The line-up includes live sets by Folie, Andreas Tilliander, Sophie Rimheden, Johan Fotmeijer, Johan Skugge, Mikael Stavöstrand as well as a DJ set by Jay Haze (Contexterrior).
19:00 - 19:45  Folie
20:00 - 20:45  Andreas Tilliander
21:00 - 21:45  Sophie Rimheden feat. 0,10 grafik and 4 dancers
22:00 - 22:45  Johan Fotmeijer
23:00 - 23:45  Mikael Stavöstrand
00:00 - 00:45  Johan Skugge
01:00 - 03:00  Jay Haze (DJ)

Angela Lorenz will play live visuals during the shows. Other artists performing at the festival include Jeans Team, Pluxus, Tape, Hundarna från Söder and many more, so it's definitely worth checking out.

Mikael Stavöstrand and Jay Haze @ EL (Berns)
Mikael Stavöstrand and Jay Haze will also play another show in Stockholm, at EL (Berns) on Thursday, 27th of May. Doors 21:00, we start at 23:00.

Tour plans
We're currently planning a North America tour for Johan Skugge and Mikael Stavöstrand in Fall 2004, as well as a Europe tour for Sophie Rimheden after the summer. If you're interested in booking them for a show please .

Minimalistic Sweden out now
The Minimalistic Sweden debut album is just released. If they don't have it in your local record store, point them to our list of distributors.
Part of a review in Östgöta Correspondenten [SE] 4/5: "Tillsammans gör de tydligt maskinell musik som ändå känns märkligt levande, som om det längst inne i deras datorer, under kretskort och kablar, bultar ett blodfyllt litet hjärta."
Read the whole review at Östgöta Correspondenten.

New Stavöstrand EP's
Onitor just released an EP by Mikael Stavöstrand and Johan Skugge called Rheinsberger EP. The 4 tracker is getting very very good reviews and response all over, just check out this one in de:bug [DE] - "swedish dream team", hmm ..
Comming up also a split EP with Jay Haze on the latter's very interesting Contexterrior label. This release is currently a hot item with the likes of Richie Hawtin and Ricardo Villalobos.

New live dates
We added a bunch of livedates, as Andreas Tilliander will be in the U.S. in April and a mitek Showcase takes place at the excellent Popaganda Festival in Stockholm, which is for free and has more than 30.000 visitors each year -- check it out if you're in Sweden on the last weekend of May.
Don't miss Sophie Rimheden playing this week as support for Chicks on Speed in Scandinavia. Also, Mikael Stavöstrand plays in Berlin on Friday, April 2nd, then heads for his debut in Northern Ireland on the 3rd.
See the live dates section for details.

mitek @ (POP UP
We're going to have a table at Musik Messe (POP UP in Leipzig on 8th of May. If you happen to be there, stop by and say hi as well as you can check out future mitek releases. Mikael Stavöstrand and Jay Haze (Contexterrior) will also play later that night at Distillery.

Minimalistic Sweden out soon
We finally got our next release sent to the pressing plant the other day. The record in question is the long awaited Minimalistic Sweden album "Standard Klickmusik". Release date is March 20th, so check out if your local store has it then ...

Sophie Rimheden on Swedish TV
Yesterday Sophie Rimhedenwas featured in the TV show "Musikbyrån" on SVT2.
There will be reruns on Saturday, February 28th, 01:00-02:00, and on Sunday 29th, 13:00-14:00 (both on SVT2). More info at Musikbyrån.

Sophie Rimheden in ELLE
Sophie is featured in an article about "new" "cool" "sound" "trends" (or something like that) in the new issue of the Swedish edition of fashion magazine ELLE. Other artists featured included Chicks on Speed, The Knife, Paris and more. Check it out at ELLE.

Manifest award for Sophie Rimheden
Last Friday Sophie Rimheden was awarded the Manifest prize for her album Hi-Fi (mitek11) as the Best Swedish Electronica Album in 2004. We are very happy for her and certainly hope that more people will discover her work. More information (in Swedish) and some photos at ETC.

Sophie Rimheden nominated for Grammy
Sophie Rimheden just got nominated for a Grammy in Sweden. She is in the category "Club/Dance" alongside artists such as Koop, Plej and Hundarna från Söder. The grammy "gala" will be on February 9th at Berns in Stockholm, and on the next day it will be broadcasted on national TV in Sweden. More info at Grammisnomineringar_2003.

Sophie Rimheden to support Chicks on Speed
Check out Sophie live as support act for the infamous Chicks on Speed on their Scandinavia tour! So far, these dates are confirmed:

2004-03-23 - Malmö [SE] - KB
2004-03-24 - Copenhagen [DK] - Vega
2004-03-25 - Oslo [NO] - John Dee
2004-03-27 - Göteborg [SE] - Trädgår'n
2004-03-28 - Stockholm [SE] - Mondo

More info at Luger.

Lots of award nominations for Sophie Rimheden
We're very proud to inform that Sophie Rimheden has been nominated in two categories in this year's P3 Gold Awards. P3 Gold is the prize from Swedish national radio (SR) for releases from 2003. Sophie is nominated in the class "Best Pop" for her "Hi-Fi" album on mitek, together with artists Franke, The Radio Dept, The Knife and a bit surprising Andreas Berthling and friends from the Häpna label - Tape. Sophie is also nominated as Best Female Artist (also for Hi-Fi), this award is voted on by "the listeners". Unfortunately it's only in swedish. The award ceremony will be held on January 23rd and broadcasted live on P3.
Sophie is also nominated for Best Album of 2003 at the Scandinavian Alternative Music Awards 2004. The event is taking place in Gothenburg on 2nd of April. Sophie will also perform live that evening. The awards are voted by the public, so please go there and vote for Sophie!
Finally she has also been nominated for Manifest 2004, a kind of "Alternative Grammy" for independent labels. The party is at Debaser in Stockholm on January 29th.

Sophie Rimheden interview on P1
An interview with Sophie Rimheden was broadcasted today on national swedish radio P1's "Kulturnytt" and is also available on their website as text (in Swedish). Check it our at Kulturnytt.

mitek09 out soon!
We're planning to release the long awaited album "Standard Klickmusik" by Minimalistic Sweden in March this year. The album has just been reworked and newly mastered and should go to the pressing plant within a couple of weeks. More details soon.

mitek artists on other labels
Mikael Stavöstrand is working on couple of releases for the spring. First out is an mp3 EP on Jay Haze's netlabel Textone. It's being released this Thursday (January 15th).
Then there's a collaborative EP by Stavöstrand and Johan Skugge out on german label Onitor soon -- 4 funky tunes for the dance floor.
Also coming soon is a split EP between Stavöstrand and Jay Haze on Contexterrior.
Martin Jarl is working together with Johan Fotmeijer, resulting in a very exciting album on german label Resopal in February. Expect them to rock many club floors!

2003-12-17 - Stockholm [SE] Kägelbanan, 19:00-01:00
Sophie Rimheden plays live at the release party for the new issue of SEX magazine. More info at

Today: Andreas Tilliander, Sophie Rimheden live
Andreas plays at Boréales Festival in Caen [France], along with artists such as Smyglyssna, Dwayne Sodahberk and Kim Hiortøy. Sophie Rimheden is playing in Uppsala [Sweden] at Kalmar Nation, Svartmang 3, together with The New Constitution [US] and I Love You Baby.

Mikael Stavöstrand and Folie live in Brussels
On Sunday, November 30th, Mikael Stavöstrand and Folie will perform in Brussels [BE], at RecyclArt. The entrance is free (!), note that it starts already at 19:00. Location: RecyclArt, Gare Bruxelles-Chapelle, Rue des Ursulines 25. More info at

Sophie Rimheden and Håkan Lidbo ringtones (as in mobile phone) are available at

"Laptop-electronican är den nya punken"
Major Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter on Sophie Rimheden: "Laptop-electronican är den nya punken. Och Sophie Rimhedens iskallt 80-talsdoftande debutalbum 'Hi-Fi', som släpptes på mitek i somras, kommer säkerligen att ligga på många av årets bästa svenska lista om nån månad." - Kristoffer Poppius. Read the full review at Dagens Nyheter.

Sophie Rimheden in Göteborg
Sophie Rimheden is booked for next year's Scandinavian Alternative Music Awards 2004, a kind of Synthie-Pop-Grammy-Award-Festival. It's taking place at Trädgår'n in Göteborg on April 2nd, 2004. More info at SAMA.

More live dates
2003-10-25 - Ghent [BE] - Andreas Tilliander
2003-10-25 - Rome [IT] Brancaleone - Mikael Stavöstrand, Johan Skugge
2003-10-26 - Århus [DK] EMMA @ Ridehuset - Andreas Tilliander, Folie
2003-11-01 - Valencia [ES] Observatori - Mikael Stavöstrand
2003-11-06 - Stockholm [SE] EL @ Berns - Sophie Rimheden, Mikael Stavöstrand
2003-11-07 - Barcelona [ES] Cube Club - Mikael Stavöstrand
2003-11-08 - Paris [FR] Chiennes Hi-Fi @ Le Triptyque - Sophie Rimheden
2003-11-09 - Malmö [SE] Kontra-Musik - Folie

2003-10-03 - Stockholm [SE] Klubb Softore, Café Mix
Sophie Rimheden got a last minute gig in Stockholm tomorrow: Café Mix (Musikmuseet till höger om Dramaten), Sibyllegatan 2, w/ I Love you Baby! and others. Öppet 21:00-03:00, Åldersgräns 18, Entré 60.

Live gigs in Spain and Italy
2003-10-02 - Madrid [ES] Experimentaclub - Andreas Tilliander
2003-10-03 - Madrid [ES] Experimentaclub - Mikael Stavöstrand
2003-10-04 - Rome [IT] Dissonanze - Andreas Tilliander, Mikael Stavöstrand, Vladislav Delay, Andrew Weatherhall, Soft Pink Truth and others

"Ett av årets mest intressanta namn ... Knasigt bra"
Ola Andersson,, gets very excited about Sophie Rimheden's Hi-Fi album. Read the full review at

"Frisch, gewagt, kitschig, hinreissend - genial!"
Franziska Petruschke, Unclesally's no# 89, about Hi-Fi

Stylish mitek ones and fashionable Hi-Fi ones - they're only going to be printed next week, but you can already place your order.

Live Dates
2003-09-12 - Stockholm [SE] Combustion @ Mondo - Big party with Sophie Rimheden LIVE
2003-09-13 - Berlin [DE] Paradies w/ Mikael Stavöstrand, Johan Fotmeijer & Son of Clay

"I have to say I haven't heard releases as good as these two in months."
Ian Kadelburg, Radio SKC Beograd, about mitek11 and mitek13

Sophie Rimheden is getting a lot of attention for her new album Hi-Fi. Check out the interview in german magazine intro (in german); also, Fredrik Strage - one of the most important music writers in Sweden - has the album listed as no. 1 in his new list for major newspaper DN [SE].
There's also nice reviews in these magazines: intro [DE], Fakezine [MK], Cricket [SE], Zero [SE], Groove [DE].
Kind of a review in an article in Sonic [SE].
Also, an interview with Mikael Stavöstrand is just published online at Fakezine.

More shopping
New stuff in our shop: a brand new Mokira CDEP and a Claudia Bonarelli EP. We have also reduced some of the prices a bit.

All mitek titles + some other goodies can be ordered on-line now. visit our web shop.

Audio Downloads
Since there's been a very big interest for downloading mp3's, we now are offering a selection of released and unreleased tracks by mitek artists on-line here.

Live - mitek @ LKTRD
If you happen to be in the Göteborg area next friday, don't miss the mitek label night at LKTRD. The lineup includes livesets by Folie, Johan Fotmeijer and Mikael Stavöstrand + support by the LKTRD dj team. As well as cool visuals by our favourite designer, Angela Lorenz.

2003-07-04 - Göteborg [SE] LKTRD, Pusterviksbaren

Live - Sophie Rimheden
And of course you shouldn't miss the release party for mitek11 - Sophie Rimheden: Hi-Fi. It's taking place on the 9th of July in Stockholm. Sophie is playing live and is supported by PUSS DJ team and DJ Pavan.

2003-07-09 - Stockholm [SE] Noato, Odenplan

The album will be available in some areas already next week, in some others including France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland the release dates will be in August and September.
Sophie Rimheden is also heading for some dates in Germany early August. Confirmed so far is:

2003-08-07 - Hamburg [DE] Astrastuben
2003-08-09 - Dortmund [DE] Juicybeats 8 Festival

There is also a new interview with Sophie in Swedish magazine Nöjesguiden, only in swedish.

Live - mitek @ Norberg Festival
This year's Norberg Festival will see livesets by Håkan Lidbo, Mikael Stavöstrand, Johan Fotmeijer, Martin Jarl and visuals by Angela Lorenz. Plus lots of other artists including Pan Sonic and Lektrogirl. Norberg is two hours northwest of Stockholm, surrounded by a lot of picturesque countryside.

2003-07-24/25/26 - Norberg [SE] Mimerlaven

Speaking about Sophie, if you are in the Berlin area next week, don't miss her gigs there then:

2003-06-12 - Berlin [DE] Ausland w/ Transformer Die Roboter
2003-06-13 - Berlin [DE] 8mm
2003-06-14 - Berlin [DE] Maria - 1Y Pop.X w/ Andreas Tilliander, Fluxion, Vita and more.

New live dates added (Sophie Rimheden, Andreas Tilliander, Johan Skugge, and Mikael Stavöstrand)

A interview with Sophie Rimheden is published online in Loop magazine [Chile], Spanish and English

Now we have a guestbook, too: view it | sign it

New live dates added.
A interview with Folie is published online in Loop magazine [Chile], in Spanish and English.
Sophie Rimheden is getting lots of attention in Sweden at the moment. Unfortunately we don't have any distribution in Sweden for now, but we're working on it. We're also working on a license deal on her album for the swedish market, more information will be available soon with a releasedate etc.
Meanwhile, check out some newly uploaded tracks from her upcoming album Hi-Fi as well as the upcoming mitek: process sampler.

mitek09, the debut by Minimalistic Sweden, has been delayed some more - it is now scheduled for release after the summer. The good news is that we will release a vinyl version as well.
However, mitek08, Johan Skugge - Quarters EP, is in the stores now, brilliant and funky minimal tech-house.
Next up is the long awaited debut release of Sophie Rimheden, entitled Hi-Fi. It's scheduled for release in June, we'll announce the exact date soon. While waiting for the CD/LP release we will put up mp3's of the recording, changing each week.
In July we'll present a brilliant compilation entitled mitek: process.
It's a kind of collaborative project with all participants/artists sharing soundfiles. The result is absolutely stunning. We'll put up some mp3 samples of this release as well.

A interview with Mikael Stavöstrand is published online in loop mag. [chile], in spanish and english.

New Mikael Stavöstrand, Andreas Tilliander, Johan Fotmeijer and Martin Jarl livedates added.
Added a press page, with downloadable hi-res images.

Johan Skugge live in Berlin on friday 07.03 @ nbi

mitek German livedates, presented by de:bug
2003-02-26 - Köln [D] Kulturbunker Mülheim
Håkan Lidbo, Andreas Tilliander, Mikael Stavöstrand, Folie, Johan Fotmeijer aka Claudia Bonarelli
2003-02-27 - Karlsruhe [D] ZKM
Håkan Lidbo, Andreas Tilliander, Mikael Stavöstrand, Folie, Johan Fotmeijer aka Claudia Bonarelli
2003-02-28 - Berlin [D] Zentral
Håkan Lidbo, Andreas Tilliander, Mikael Stavöstrand, Folie, Johan Fotmeijer aka Claudia Bonarelli, Minimalistic Sweden, DJ Bleed (de:bug), DJ Andreas Tölle
For other livedates (Germany, France, Denmark, Spain, Sweden)
see the livedates section

Folie No. 2 of "records of the year" list in de:bug
Live recordings of the mitek showcase at Starfield Simulations in Malmö (29-11-2002) are up and running at - check out Folie, Martin Jarl, Claudia Bonarelli, Mikael Stavöstrand

mitek @ marke b
Berlin label festival at Volksbühne, Berlin, December 13th
Mikael Stavöstrand live + lots of other live acts.
Westberlin Distribution is our new distributor for Germany, Switzerland and Austria

Folie is featured in the new issue of german magazine de:bug